LED Protector

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Ultra Fast, Resettable, Series Connected Electronic Fuse

Protect your investment in LED lighting into the future with Switch
Lighting’s LED Protector
The LED protector protects your LED lights from wiring and power
failure hazards that can result from:

  • Environmental hazards (e.g. fl ooding, exposure to corrosive
    environments (salt air) or humidity).
  • Wiring damage (e.g. corrosion, fatigue, accidental or animal activity).
  • Improper power supply (e.g. over current, power surges or dips).
  • Defective workmanship and improper installation.

LED protectors

  • Protect individual constant current circuits up to 350mA or up to 700mA
  • Detect a problem in less than 2 millionths of a second and trip to protect your LEDs
  • Have a warning light to indicate a problem has been detected.
  • Are easily reset by simply cycling the power once the problem is corrected.
  • Can be installed anywhere in a constant current circuit to protect all LEDs in that circuit.

how to specify

Product Model
350mA LED Protector SLP350
750mA LED Protector SLP700